Tom is a good friend of ours here at RestoShack, and when he came to us with his trusty mk2 Escort van I knew this was going to be a fun project. The van is used daily by Tom and is used every weekend to transport Tom’s drums to pubs across the South West for gigs. Tom was not looking for a full restoration, but a much needed tidy and some crucial welding before the rot set in too far.
As with most work on older vans and cars, there were some nasty surprises in store for us as we stripped back the years and found that the slightly rusty sills were further gone then we thought. That was not a huge issue for us here at RestoShack and the mk2 was soon ready for paint.
When it came to the colour, Tom wanted a classic white van finish. Not too shiny, but so that the van looked functional, as it was meant to look when it came out of the factory in the 70s.
I must say that Tom was spot on, the almost matte white on the car works perfectly with the van body and gives a great finish to his pride and job. Lets hope that the old Escort has many more years of motoring in its future, thanks to some TLC from RestoShack.

great new site, just love the Vimeoif I had a 911 project you would be my first port of call